SPECIAL! For liberal, White “peace – creeps,” race – mixers and nigger – lovers....

To all those who would like to join the COON – ARD Lines Cruise, but can’t do it, and must endure life in a white town without any nigger friends...........


easy MIXING powder! Just sprinkle this dingy black dust on any sidewalk! Make water on it, and, PRESTO! HUNDREDS OF NIGGERS SPRING UP!! Little niggers, Big niggers! Fat niggers, Skinny niggers! Light niggers, Midnight black niggers! Red niggers, Jew niggers!


Why wait? With “INSTANT NIGGER,” any nigger-loving, beatnik peace-creep can have ALL THE NIGGERS he can stand!


As an added attraction.... SUPER-SPECIAL African Witch Doctor’s LOVE SECRET! Smell like a nigger yourself, win the love of a beautiful, ubangi-lipped NIGGERETTE!! with kisses that last a week! We lost a couple of customers altogether after they used “WITCH DOCTOR’S LOVE SECRET”! Contains pure, concentrated African extract of Niggerarmpitstench, a rare perfume which overwhelms the senses and wafts you away completely. A little... goes a LONG way!

  Mail this coupon to order additional boat tickets.....  
  White Power Publications
Liverpool, W.Va. 25257 U.S.A.
   Please send me ............... “Back to Africa Tickets” at 50/$2.00 – 100/$3.50 – 500/$15.00 – 1,000/$25.00. Enclosed the sum of....................
Name: .....................................................................
Address: .................................................................
City: .........................................................................

‘Although listed in the ‘links’ folder, Simon Sheppard deserves another plug. Visit his site. On it you’ll find a reproduction of Lincoln Rockwell’s famous BOAT TICKET which were popular hand-outs during the 1960s. (The David Lane quote was added.) In fact, passing these little tickets out got me questioned by the F.B.I. After the formal business of answering a complaint, the agent managed to burst into laughter while reading one and asked where I got them. I told him to order them from the address which was printed on the ticket he asked to keep. He was a great looking white man.

‘The cartoons on the ticket were drawn by George Patler (Patsalas), an ANP member who was later convicted of Rockwell’s assassination. Patler grew up in NYC, belonged to a street gang, was reported to have killed his childhood companion at age 16 and had a history of mental illness. One time, Rockwell was forming a demonstration and Patler was watching. When no one would demonstrate, Rockwell ventured alone and Patler joined him. That was their first meeting. I met Patler once or twice, but that’s about all.

‘Patler was convicted of Rockwell’s murder in rather short order. This prompted someone hiring a private detective to look into the matter. The killer was on top of a tarred roof at the Laundromat. Tar-stained sneakers were found in the yard of a fellow named Niles whom Rockwell kicked out of the party. Rockwell broke his schedule to take an unplanned trip to the Laundromat. The only people who knew he was doing this were at the Arlington house: Pierce, Koehl and Lloyd. It was surmised that one of them called the killer. It looked like Niles and the fact that Patler was released after only three years lends more doubt as to what really happened. Patler has since vanished.’

Robert Frenz (, January-February 2002

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